Universal System Scaffolding and Accessories


(Sample System Shown at Right. To order the parts you need, see individual products listed below.)


  • Hot dipped galvanized
  • No bolts or screws
  • Premeasured components/no measurements needed
  • Erected quickly and easily
  • Conforms to any angle or curve
  • Rigid and safe
  • Versatile
  • Can be used in conjunction with tube and clamp
  • Maintenance free


The Universal System Scaffold Rosette provides total flexibility to lock in any angle plus quickly and accurately align at 90° angles using the keyhole postiions. each Rosette can hav up to eight connections at one time.


Mouthpiece/Wedge Pin

The high-strength, elastic Mouthpiece uses a patented Wedge Pin with a reverse slope. The Wedge Pin engages the Rosette entirely through its vertical surface, ensuring that the Mouthpiece is properly seated on the Rosette while the Wedge is engaged. The compression area of the Mouthpiece connector is dramatically increased by reversing the lobes, thereby providing greater mass area at the bottom of the Mouthpiece.

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